Here is a list of open-source projects that I have started. Some of them I’m still working actively on, while others I’m just maintaining or barely working on anymore.
Open Source
Leaflet AreaSelect
Leaflet plugin that lets users select an area of the map
Leaflet UserMarker
Leaflet plugin for plotting a marker representing a user, or multiple users, on a Leaflet map
Docker image that takes periodic Postgres backups and uploads them to Amazon S3
Leaflet CenterMarker
Leaflet Marker that is kept fixed to the center of the map
jQuery TitleAlert
jQuery plugin for flashing messages in the browser title bar (i.e. chat message alerts)
Small JavaScript library for throttling the callbacks from
jQuery Draggable Touch
Make HTML elements draggable using touch events
MMS Decoder
PHP class that can decode MMS messages, which makes it possible to send MMS-messages to websites.